... So what are you supposed to do in Maine? We watched some Top 10 Maine Attractions videos on YouTube to find out. Not wanting to be in the busiest areas during their high-season, we skipped straight to number six: Camden.
Camden is a town on coast and is super popular. We quickly found out why: the entire town is idyllic. It almost feels like a movie set for a "cute rustic coastal town". This was it, our chance to actually get lobster not from a food truck! Lobster is amazing. Lobster and butter is everything food should be, a perfect combination. Lobster rolls are great, don't get me wrong, but nothing beats the pure delight of a chunk of lobster dripping with butter. Our favorite place in Camden was actually a pub. They had the best prices and they were across the street from a few other lobster joints, but we learned the hard way that anything across the street had a great view of the ocean and they charged you an extra $20 per lobster for this view.... eat the cheap lobster, walk the beach to see the view after.

We did some hiking in the area too. Turns out, google maps saying a hike is less than a mile does not in fact mean that mile will be easy. We hiked to Mount Battie, a tower overlooking the bay. We scrabbled over boulders and slid down rock faces on our butts. This wasn't for the faint of heart! At the top we were amazed at all the unfit adults and tiny kids that apparently handled the trail like champs, not sweating or breathing hard or crying. We walked around the side of the monument to see a large parking lot.... Oh well, we earned our view!

So Camden was neat. I'd recommend 2-3 days there, you definitely won't need more than that. After a day or two you start to realize it's a touristy town with touristy prices and you can get the same lobster elsewhere for way cheaper. They have a lot of cool stores along their main street, but again it felt like overpriced souvenirs or art that would be 40% cheaper if the same thing was sold anywhere else. It was a cool place and I'm glad we saw it, but I'd say it's better as a quick stop on your way to Bar Harbor rather than a destination in itself.
Places of Note:
Zoot Coffee - nice shop, good food. Great place to take a break from walking around
Cuzzy's Restaurant - pub, had reasonable lobster prices
Wooden Alchemy - neat wood store we walked in and explored
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