May 13, 2024

One Short Stay for Mankind, But One Long Stay For Us

We've been traveling full time for a few years now. It turns out, exploring a ton of places is awesome and a lot of fun but also moving every 6-7 days is pretty hard on the soul. That means we've probably "moved" somewhere upward of 100 times in the last 2 years. I never unpack my suitcase, I just live out of it directly. We have packing down to an art, the Roku and the food bins and the kitchen supplies can be packed up in less than 30 minutes. We converted the car to have a platform and no back seats so we can more easily pack and unpack at each new "home". 

So it's beyond time for us to take a little break. We're going to stay somewhere for eight weeks instead of one. It's interesting to see what kinds of things we are excited about, they are probably things you take for granted on a daily basis. 

Without further ado, here's our top I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE list:
  • A stable shipping address! One of the hardest things while moving this much is trying to get shipments. If something is going to come in 2 weeks we can't order it because we don't know what our address will be at that time. With a short term rental, we know the next 8 weeks where we'll be and that means FedEx, UPS, and USPS also know how to get to us for 8 weeks! Now we can actually collect on those warranty services that take 3 weeks to fix your thing and send it back. We can order stuff from Etsy that ships slow as molasses because artists gotta art. We can preorder books and games and stuff! We can order things internationally because they have enough time to get to us finally!
  • Our soap, paper towels, and toilet paper! It's a little thing, but when you live out of AirBnBs and hotels you are at the mercy of their cheapness. Terrible thin paper towels that don't do a thing? Yep, almost everywhere has that kind. Thin toilet paper that scratches or sucks? Another popular pick by landlords. Watered-down handsoap that clearly should have been thrown away 4 renters ago? Yep, 9/10 AirBnBs favor this kind of soap. It's a little thing, and it doesn't matter if you're on vacation and only have to put up with it for a week or two... but after 2 years I can't wait to have my paper towels, and my toilet paper, and my foamy antibacterial bathroom soap.

  • Our own desks! We are programmers and each having our own dedicated workspace is insanely exciting. We can set up keyboards, mice, monitors, ergo laptop stands, etc and we can leave them all setup so we just have to sit down at the desk. This is huge! There's a large barrier to entry to have to set up your workspace again every 7 days and it means that half the time you don't set up anything except the bare essentials. Having a dedicated space that can just stay setup and ready for action means I'll code more, play games more, do art more, everything more! We each do have a tiny bird we sometimes decorate our space with, but it will be nice to see it every time we work and even get a friend or two for it.

  • Decorations! Every hotel and AirBnB has it's own generic decorations. That's definitely better than blank walls, but we're gonna be in this space for 8 weeks so it's worth getting a couple personal small things that make us happy and putting those on our desks. Most places we go we do decorate the Roku by putting a small cat statue or a small fake plant on it, but now we can do it on a larger scale!

This is a small step by anyone else's standards, but it's 8x our usual stay in a location so we're looking forward to the small break from traveling before getting back to it. It's going to take awhile to realize we don't have to pack up every material possession we own and move again in 6 days haha

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